
乌鲁木齐地区口腔医疗资源分布调查与评价 被引量:1

Investigation and Assessment for Oral Medical Resources in Urumqi
摘要 目的:了解乌鲁木齐地区口腔医疗机构及专业技术人员分布现状和特点,为乌鲁木齐地区口腔医疗资源配置规划提供依据。方法:采用调查表法对乌鲁木齐地区口腔医疗机构进行调查,了解机构的数量、分类、属性、类型,及执业口腔医师、护士的数量、职称、学历构成及分布特点。结果:乌鲁木齐地区共有口腔医疗机构214家,分布在乌鲁木齐市6个区县。其中公立41个占19.16%,民营173个占80.84%;共有口腔综合治疗椅1063台,其中公立474台占44.59%,民营589台占55.41%;口腔人力资源,共有执业(助理)医师、护士1348人,医护比为1:0.36,每千人口腔医师数为0.28人;副高及以上职称、本科及以上学历医师主要分布在公立口腔医疗机构,分别占79.14%和71.28%;中级及以下职称、专科及以下学历医师主要分布在民营口腔医疗机构,分别占58.52%和87.62%。结论:乌鲁木齐地区口腔医疗机构区县分布不均衡,口腔人力资源职称、学历偏低。民营口腔医疗机构数量多,规模小,服务能力相对较弱。应合理配置口腔卫生资源,重视民营口腔医疗机构的发展,加强口腔医疗人才队伍建设,提升口腔医疗机构服务质量和服务水平。 Objective: To find out the distribution status and characteristics of the oral medical institutions and professional personnel in Urumqi, so that some scientific basis will be provided for the planning of oral medical resource allocation in Urmnqi. Methods: The questionnaire method was adopted for inquiring all oral medical institutions in Urumqi. Meanwhile, to find out the quantity, classification, attribute and type of the institutions, as well as the quantity, professional title, academic qualification and distribution characteristics of certificated dentists and nurses. Results: There were 214 oral medical institutions which were distributed in 6 counties or districts in Urumqi. 41 were public ones which accounted for only 19.16% and 173 were private which accounted for 80.84%. Among the 1063 comprehensive dental chairs, 474 chairs which belong to the public institutions accounted for 44.59%, and 589 chairs which belong to the private institutions accounted for 55.41%. Among the 1348 certified doctors (assistant) and nurses, 990 were medical practitioners and 358 of it were nurse practitioners. The ratio of the doctors and nurses was 1 : 0.36. The doctor number was 0.28 per 1000 population. In the oral human resources, the doctors who have co-chief physician or above and bachelor degrees or above were mainly distributed in public institutions, and the ratios in the institutions respectively were 79.14% and 71.28%. The doctors who have intermediate titles or below and college degrees or below mainly distributed in private institutions, and the ratios were 58.52% and 87.62% respectively. Conclusion: The current distribution of oral medical institutions was non-balanced in districts or counties in Urumqi. The level of professional titles and academic qualifications of oral human resources were on the low side. There were a large number of private oral institutions which were relatively small as well as the service capabilities were weak. It is supposed to allocate resources of dental health reasonably, pay more attention to the development of private oral medical institutions, strengthen the building of talent teams of oral health care, improve the service quality and the service level of oral medical institutions.
出处 《中国数字医学》 2017年第10期96-99,共4页 China Digital Medicine
基金 新疆医科大学第一附属医院青年基金重点项目(编号:20152RQN10)~~
关键词 口腔医疗资源 卫生人力资源数据分布 oral medical resources, health human resources, data distribution
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