
美国佛罗里达pebble磷矿浮选流程试验 被引量:2

Tests of flotation process on pebble phosphate rock samples from Florida
摘要 本文对美国佛罗里达pebble磷矿进行了浮选流程试验,试验采用了3种流程,即硅浮选—镁浮选流程,镁浮选—硅浮选流程和镁浮选—脱泥—硅浮选流程。试验结果表明:镁浮选—脱泥—硅浮选流程得到的精矿不但质量较好,而且有较高的P2O5回收率,其综合精矿P2O5品位为30.45%,MgO质量分数为0.98%,P2O5回收率为80.13%。镁浮选—脱泥—硅浮选流程具有流程及药剂制度简单,药剂用量少,试验指标高等优点,是美国佛罗里达pebble磷矿综合利用的有效方法。 The flotation process tests of Pebble phosphate rock samples in Florida were carried out. Three kinds of processes were tested; silica flotation-magnesium flotation process, magne- sium flotation-silica flotation process and magnesium flotation- desliming-silica flotation process. The test results showed that the concentrates produced in the magnesium flotation-desliming- silica flotation process have a better quality and a higher P2 O5 re- covery , containing 30. 45% P2O5 and 0. 98% MgO with 80. 13% P2 O5 recovery rate. The magnesium flotation-desliming-silica flo- tation process is an effective method for the comprehensive utili- zation of pebble phosphate rock in Florida, U. S. A. , which has the advantages of simple flowsheet and reagent regime, less rea- gent consumption and high test index among others.
出处 《化工矿物与加工》 北大核心 2017年第10期14-16,共3页 Industrial Minerals & Processing
关键词 pebble磷矿 镁浮选 硅浮选 脱泥 pebble phosphate rock magnesium flotation silicaflotation desliming
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