
地方高校“双一流”建设的理性抉择 被引量:5

Rational Choice of Building “Double World-Class”for Local Colleges and Universities: Taking Universities in Yunnan Province as an Example
摘要 "双一流"建设是顶天立地的工程,其目标是中国特色和世界一流。通过对"双一流"内涵、评价标准以及地方高校的特点、云南高校的基础等方面进行的系统分析,认为地方高校建设"双一流"有一定压力,在建设"双一流"过程中需理性抉择。聚焦学科特色,培育学科优势,打造品牌学科,构建"四个认可"的评价机制是地方高校建设"双一流"的路径选择。认为分类指导、合理定位、扎根云南、服务地方、协同各方,是推进云南"双一流"建设的必然选择。 The building of world-class universities and world-class disciplines in China, commonly known as "Double World-Class" plan is a huge and demanding system-building plan. Its ultimate goal is to build uni- versities and world-class disciplines with Chinese characteristics and the two clearly-stated key words are "world-class" and "Chinese characteristics". This paper first analyzes the connotation of "Double World- Class" and its evaluation criteria, and then the characteristics of local colleges and universities and the very construction basis of universities in Yunnan Province. It is found that local colleges and universities have some difficulties in building themselves to meet the requirements of the "double world-class" plan and therefore they have to make a rational choice. The approaches for the local universities to building "double world-class" in- elude focusing on their disciplines' features, nurturing their discipline dominance, forging brand disciplines and formulating "four-pronged recognitions" evaluation mechanism. In order to promote the "double world-class" plan in Yunnan, the local universities should take different measures to build different disciplines, position themselves properly, take roots in Yunnan, serve the development of the local economy and communities, and collaborate with each other.
作者 高利 束洪春
出处 《昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第5期81-85,共5页 Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 云南省教育科学"十二五"规划重点课题"云南特色重点学科专业布局规划研究"(Z12008)
关键词 “双一流”建设 地方高校 云南高校 理性抉择 building "double world-class" (first-class universities and first-class disciplines), local colleges and universities, colleges and universities in Yunnan Province, rational choice
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