
论扎根中国大地办世界一流大学 被引量:2

Reflections on Taking Root in China to Run World-Class Universities
摘要 习近平总书记针对我国高等教育发展提出了"扎根中国大地办大学"的重要思想,这一重要思想遵循了矛盾的普遍性和特殊性原理,为我国高校改革发展指明了总体方向,对我国高校推进一流大学和一流学科建设具有重大指导意义。扎根中国大地办世界一流大学,需要明晰路径选择,坚持社会主义办学方向,做到"四个服务",同时要有一流的思想政治工作、办学理念、大学文化、干部队伍、师资队伍、治理体系、管理水平、资源支撑、社会声誉等作为强有力的支撑和保障,更加需要构建中国特色高等教育评价体系。与此同时,扎根中国大地办世界一流大学,还要坚持科学定位、特色发展,重视文化传承与创新,主动对接国家重大战略需求,勇于改革创新、敢于超越,从容自信,实现从赶超到引领的历史性跨越。 General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the important thought of "running universities by taking root in China" in view of the development of higher education in China. This important thought, in conformity to universality and particularity laws of contradiction, points out the genera/ direction for the reform and development of colleges and universities in China, and is a significant guidance for colleges and universities of China to promote the construction of first-class universities and first-class disciplines. Taking root in China to run the world first-class universities needs to clarify the path selection, adhering to the orientation of socialist education, living up to "Four Services". At the same time, we should have the first-class ideological and political work, educational philosophy, university culture, cadres, teachers, governance system, management level, resource support, social reputation and so on, as the powerful support and guarantee, needing to build the evaluation system of higher education with Chinese characteristics to a higher degree. Meanwhile, taking root in China to run the world first-class universities also needs to pay attention to the adherence to scientific orientation, characteristic development, attaching great importance to cultural inheritance and innovation, docking the major national strategic needs actively, having the courage to reform and innovate, daring to go beyond, achieving the historic leap from surpassing to leading with calmness and self-confidence.
作者 王顺洪 WANG Shun-Hong(Party Committee Office, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 611756, China)
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2017年第5期1-7,共7页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
关键词 “扎根中国大地办大学”思想 一流大学和一流学科 中国特色 “四个服务” 差别化发展 路径选择 notion of running universities by taking root in China first-class universities and first-class disciplines Chinese characteristics "Four Services" differential development options of paths
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