
目的国知识产权保护对我国高技术产品出口的影响——基于2000—2014年我国与64国双边贸易数据 被引量:3

How Does the Protection of IPR in the Destination Country Affect China's Export of High-tech Products—Proof from Bilateral Trading Statistics of China and 64 Countries
摘要 文章构建扩展引力模型就出口目的国的IPR保护对我国高技术产品出口的影响展开研究。实证结果显示,总体上,出口目的国加强IPR保护会对我国高技术产品的出口产生不利影响;根据收入水平对出口目的国进行划分,发现我国高技术产品出口对于不同经济发展水平的出口目的国加强IPR保护的反应是不同的:当目的国为高收入或中高收入国家时,其IPR保护的增强不利于我国高技术产品的出口,而当出口目的国为中低或低收入国家时,其提升IPR保护水平会使我国高技术产品更多地出口到这些国家。 Through an extensive gravity model,this paper studies the effects of stronger IPR protedestination country on China,s export of high-tech products. The empirical results show that, generally, stronger IPR protection in the destination country would exert bad effects on China ’ s export of high-tech products. Classifying the export destination countries according to their income level, we find that China ’ sexport of high-tech products responses differently to stronger IPR protection in the export destiwith different economic development level. When the destination country is a high-income or income country, strengthening its IPR protection would hurt China’ s export of high-tech products; whenitcomes to be a low-and middle-income or low-income country, strengthening its IPR protection would bebeneficial to China’ s export of high-tech products.
出处 《河南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第5期56-63,共8页 Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology(Social science)
基金 2016年中南财经政法大学研究生教育创新计划立项基金资助(2016Y1040)
关键词 IPR保护 高技术产品 出口 扩展引力模型 IPR Protection high-tech products export extensive gravity model
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