
环青海湖地区天然草地固定CO--_2释放O_2生态价值评价 被引量:1

Ecological Value of CO_2 Fixating and O_2 Releasing by Ecosystem of Natural Grassland in the Surrounding Area of Qinghai Lake
摘要 为了研究环青海湖地区天然草地固定CO_2、释放O_2生态价值,以青海省共和县为例对天然草地固定CO_2、释放O_2生态价值进行计算。结果表明,研究区天然草地干物质净生长量为1 196 147.15 t/年,固定CO_21 949 719.86 t/年,释放O_21 435 376.59 t/年,固定CO_2的生态价值为90 187.22万元/年,释放O_2的价值生态为54 036.91万元/年,说明在畜牧业经济发展的同时,必须重视天然草地生态系统的保护。 This study aimed to assess the ecological value of CO2 fixating and O2 releasing by ecosystem of natural grassland in the surrounding area of Qinghai Lake. Taking the natural grassland in Gonghe County of Qinghai Province as an example, the ecological value of CO2 fixating and O2 releasing were calculated. The results showed that the net growth production of dry matter of the grassland in study area was 1 196 147.15 t per year; the total CO2 fixating and O2 releasing were 1 949 719.86 t per year and1 435 376.59 t per year, respectively, and the ecological value of them was 9.018 722×108Yuan per year and 5.403 691×10^8Yuan per year, respectively. It is suggested that great importance should be attached to the protection of natural grassland ecosystem when the animal husbandry economy are developing.
作者 赵德
出处 《畜牧与饲料科学》 2017年第9期36-38,共3页 Animal Husbandry and Feed Science
关键词 环青海湖地区 天然草地 固定CO2 释放O2 生态价值 surrounding area of Qinghai Lake natural grassland CO2 fixating O2 releasing ecological valu
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