
夜凉苦绿:游历与诗艺之途——以温健骝为中心的考察 被引量:1

A Night that is Cool, Bitter and Green: A Journey of Wandering and Poetic Art: A Look at Wan Kin-lau as the Centre
摘要 香港诗人温健骝在当今诗坛已成陌生的名字。诗人因鼻咽癌早逝,得年仅三十二岁。身后较为整全的作品辑录,只有《温健骝集》一种。本文尝试从温健骝的诗文作品中透露的线索,譬如他与大陆三十年代诗人之私淑渊源、台湾现代诗坛的关系等入手探讨其美学风格的形成与文学观念的建立。其经历行迹都划出他与文学史上的不同时间阶段、地域经验与流派脉络之交互、融合与对话。而他爱荷华创作硕士的修读和《今日世界》的任职经历,亦反映了冷战年代美国与台港间的文化交流与扶助政策之种种关系。温健骝以其在台在美的所学所得,熔炼出怎样的眼光,又如何以之应对香港的现实,其审美观念和社会理念之间的参差错落带来了何种启示,是本文想要讨论的问题。 A Hong Kong poet whose name is an unknown in today's world of poetry, Wan Kin-lau died of nasopharyngeal carcinoma at the age of 32, leaving behind only one book of poetry, A Collection of Poetry by Wan Kin-lau, the only complete one of his works. This article is an attempt to explore the formation of his aesthetic style and of his literary views based on the clues revealed in his poetic and literary works, such as the origin of his relationship with the poets in the 1930 s China's Mainland as well as with the world of modern poetry in Taiwan as traces of his experience and journeys can reveal the intersections,integrations and dialogues with various times, periods, regional experiences and veins of literary groups. His majoring in the MA studies at Iowa Writers' Workshop and his work at The World Today are a reflection of the relationships between the cultural exchanges and the support policies of the USA, Taiwan and Hong Kong in the Cold War period. It is the intention of this article to discuss what Wan Kin-lau learnt and gained in Taiwan and the USA, what vision he was able to make, how he used it to tackle with the realities in Hong Kong and what revelations were reached as a result of the differences between his aesthetic and social views.
作者 杨君宁
出处 《华文文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期77-86,共10页 Literatures in Chinese
关键词 新诗 审美风格 《苦绿集》 影响研究 旅行 New poetry aesthetic style A Collection of Bitter Green studies of influence travels
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