
臭氧标准参考光度计数据采集方法及改进 被引量:5

Data acquisition method of ozone standard reference photometer and its improvement
摘要 为建立我国统一的环境空气臭氧自动监测量值溯源和传递体系,需采用臭氧标准参考光度计作为计量基准进行量值传递,以保证臭氧监测数据的量值溯源性和结果一致性。实验对臭氧标准参考光度计串口连接、模拟信号连接和仪器数据存储-手动输入3种数据采集方法进行了介绍,创新性地采用USB转DB 9串口线对数据采集方法进行了改进,均采用串口连接进行数据采集。采用改进后的方法同时对API T703、EC 9811、TF 49iPS 3台不同厂家的臭氧校准仪进行臭氧一级校准,所得校准曲线的平均斜率分别为1.011 99、1.002 87、1.005 17,平均截距分别为-0.548 14、-0.064 07、-0.212 10nmol/mol,均符合臭氧一级校准的指标。改进后的方法可适用于不同厂商、不同型号的仪器,操作更为方便快捷,数据采集更为真实有效,解决了模拟信号连接数据失真、仪器数据存储-手动输入耗时耗力的弊端,可极大地提高臭氧一级校准时数据采集的真实性及便捷性。 In order to establish a unified traceability and transmission system for automatic monitoring of ozone in ambient air,the ozone standard reference photometer should be adopted as measurement standard for quantity transfer to guarantee the data traceability of ozone monitoring and the consistency of measurement results.The three data acquisition methods for ozone standard reference photometer were introduced,i.e.,serial connection,analog signal connection and instrument data storage-manual input.The data acquisition methods were innovatively improved using USB-to-DB 9 serial port line.All data were collected through serial connection.The improvement method was applied for the primary calibration of ozone calibrators from three different manufacturers(API T703,EC 9811 and TF 49 iPS).The average slope of obtained calibration curves was 1.011 99,1.002 87 and 1.005 17,respectively.Meanwhile,the mean intercept was -0.548 14,-0.064 07 and -0.212 10 nmol/mol,respectively.Both average slope and mean intercept met the indexes of ozone primary calibration.The improved method was applicable for the instruments from different manufacturers and with different models.The operation was more convenient,the data acquisition was more true and effective,solving the problems of data distortion in analog signal connection as well as time and labor consuming in instrument data storage-manual input.The authenticity and convenience of data acquisition in primary calibration of ozone could be greatly improved.
出处 《冶金分析》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第10期47-52,共6页 Metallurgical Analysis
基金 国家环境保护公益性行业科研专项(201409011) 国家环境保护标准制修订项目(2014-61) 环保部环境发展中心自主选题科技项目(ZZ-2016-04)
关键词 臭氧标准参考光度计 数据采集方法 串口连接 改进 ozone standard reference photometer data acquisition method serial communication port improvement
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