

Watermark:An Essay on Venice ——A Love Letter from Brodsky to Venice
摘要 评论家普遍认为,在美国乃至整个西方文学界,布罗茨基传播最广、更受推崇的不是他的俄语诗歌,而是他的英语散文。作为布罗茨基唯一单独成书的散文作品——《水印:魂系威尼斯》,可堪称"20世纪所有有关威尼斯的记述中最为优美而又经典的一部书",尤其拓展了布罗茨基俄罗斯域外散文写作的地理和时空。诗人用印象主义的散文讲述着他与威尼斯城的17年长恋,开启作家给自己心爱之城书写情书的旅行随笔模式。本文以解读布罗茨基情书的钥匙打开《水印:魂系威尼斯》的经典创作空间,呈现这封"匿名情书"所系的布罗茨基与威尼斯城的情之所起、痴迷、忠贞到所终的一世爱恋,聆听和理解布罗茨基缘何倾情这座有着"时间之城"、"目光之城"、"水上之城"以及"命运之城"称谓的威尼斯城。 Reviewers on Joseph Brodsky generally consider that, in America and the entire Western literatus, Brodsky is more famous for his English essays rather than for his Russian poems. As his only separate book Watermark:An Essay on Venice, which can be regarded as "the most beautiful and classic book concerning all records on Venice in the 20th Century" , it particularly expands geographical and space-time features of Brodsky' s Russian extraterritorial essay writings. Applying impressionistic-style essay, the poet Brodsky narrates his 17-year-long love with Venice city, which unseals the author Brodsky' s travel essay mode as writing a love letter to his beloved city.Using the key of reading and interpreting Brodsky' s love letter, this article opens the classic creating room of IVatermark.'An Essay on Venice to present how this anonymous love letter tells about the origin, obsession, loyalty and fate of Brodsky' s love to Venice for a lifetime and to listen to and understand why he loves the city of Venice which is titled "city of time" , "city of eyesight" , "city above water" and "city of fate" so deeply.
作者 张艺 Zhang Yi
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 CSSCI 2017年第4期119-128,共10页 Russian Literature & Arts
关键词 《水印:魂系威尼斯》约瑟夫·布罗茨基 威尼斯城 情书 Watermark: An Essay on Venice Joseph Brodsky Venice love letter
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