
110 kV格构式复合材料输电塔设计技术标准化研究

Research on Technology Standard for the Design of 110 k V Lattice Composite Material Power Transmission Tower
摘要 随着城市建设的高速发展,土地成为越来越稀缺的资源,人们节约土地资源的观念及美观、环保观念不断增强。一方面是随着经济的发展,城市的用电量急剧增加,一些线路的输送容量已远远不能满足企业和人民群众用电的要求;而另一方面,由于现在民众的环境和自我保护意识的极大提高,使得输电线路在政策处理、拆迁安置、节约走廊等方面变得十分困难。为了提高输电铁塔的承载能力、减轻塔重、节约耗材、延长塔的使用寿命、提高经济效益,据此提出复合材料杆塔设计标准,用标准化去体现创新性,指导实际应用。 With the rapid development of urban construction, land resources become more and more scarce, people are more aware of saving land resources and gradually increase awareness of aesthetics and environmental protection. On the one hand, with the development of economy, urban electricity consumption increases dramatically, the transmission capacity of some lines is not sufficient to meet the power demands of enterprises and customers; on the other hand, now people have greatly enhanced their awareness of environmental protection and self-protection, making policy processing, displacement and resettlement, and saving corridor become difficult for transmission lines. In order to improve the bearing capacity of transmission towers, reduce the tower weight, save materials, prolong life of towers, and improve economic benefits, design standard for the composite material tower is put forward, making standardization to reflect innovation and guide practical application.
作者 叶吉超 王灿灿 初金良 杨俊飞 程聪 YE Jichao WANG Cancan CHU Jinliang YANG Junfei CHENG Cong(State Grid Lishui Power Supply Company, Lishui 323000, Zhejiang Province, China State Grid Songyang Power Supply Company, Lishui 323400, Zhejiang Province, China State Grid Liandu Power Supply Company, Lishui 323000, Zhejiang Province, China)
出处 《智能电网》 2017年第9期899-904,共6页 Smart Grid
关键词 线路 杆塔 复合材料 试验 标准 line tower compound material test standard
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