"物"在罗马法中占有非常重要的位置,罗马法中的"物"对两大法系产生了不同的影响。在大陆法系,法国民法典的三编制承袭了法学阶梯的体系,并借鉴了罗马法广义的物之概念。潘德克吞法学将有体意义上的"物"作为物权的客体,并通过对罗马法对人之诉、对物之诉的借鉴与改进,确立了"物权"与"债权"这一对立存在的概念。广义的"物"对普通法系财产法产生了重大影响,Real Property与Personal Property的区别也来源于罗马法两种不同的诉讼形式。随着时代的发展,民法上的"物"之概念不断更新,在某种意义上我们正回归到罗马法广义之物的概念。
In Roman Law, "res" is a key concept which has different influences on Civil Law system and Common Law system.In Civil Law system, the French Civil Code followed the Institutes % and mirrored the concept of “res” in a broad sense. The Pandekten System confines the definition of res only to res corporals (tangible things), and developed the concepts of $real right% and “creditor’s right”,which stem from the “actio in rem” and “action in personam” in Roman Law. The generalized concept of “res” has a significant influence on Common Law system’s property law. The classification of real property and personal property also stem from Roman’s different forms of actions. In now days, the concept of “thing” in civil law is changing. In some sense we are reviving the Roman Law’s “res” in a broad sense.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law