为指导播州区大头菜合理施肥,开展氮肥适宜施用量研究。结果表明,在相同P_2O_5、K2O用量下,不同氮肥用量对大头菜肉质根产量产生显著影响,但叶子产量差异不显著。12.2kg/667m2氮肥用量效果最佳,叶子和肉质根产量分别为493.8kg/667m2、1260.6kg/667m2,比不施氮肥处理增产24.6%、56.1%,比8.5 kg/667m2氮肥用量增产9.27%、27.45%,叶子产量比15.9 kg/667m2氮肥用量减产2.9%,肉质根产量增加11.1%。12.2kg/667m2氮肥用量产投比最高,经济效益最佳。
To guide the reasonable N fertilization of turnip,the appropriate amount of N fertilizer was studied. The results indicated that at the same amount of P_2O_5 and K2 O,the difference of flesh root yield was significant at 5% level but not significant of leaves yield under different amount of nitrogen fertilizer. When the N fertilizer was 12. 2 kg/667 m2,the yield of leaves and flesh root were493. 8 kg/667 m2 and 1260. 6 kg/667 m2,which increased by 24. 6% and 56. 1% than without N fertilizer treatment,increased by9. 27% and 27. 45% than treatment 2 that N was 8. 5 kg/667 m2,respectively. However,the leaves yield was reduced by 2. 9% while the flesh root increased by 11. 1% than treatment 4 that N was 15. 9 kg/667 m2. The economic efficiency was best when N at 12. 2 kg/667 m2,P_2O_5 at 6 kg/667 m2 and K2 O at 9. 5 kg/667 m2.
Tillage and Cultivation
Brassica rapa
2 + X fertilization test
Bozhou county