

A Study on Exchange Rate Fluctuation Based on Heteroscedasticity
摘要 本文试图通过分析中国汇率市场波动的异方差,研究汇率浮动限幅的变动对汇率变动具有什么样的影响。研究结果表明,汇率变动都具有异方差性,尤其是对美元汇率变动,汇率波动的自相关和异方差性呈现出很强的趋势,说明受到了汇率变动限幅的影响。因此在分析汇率走势和预测汇率时有必要考虑宏观经济变量等对汇率变动的外部影响因素。 This thesis attempts to study the influence of the fluctuation of the exchange rate on the exchange rate fluctuation by an- alyzing the heteroscedasticity of the fluctuation on the exchange rate market in China. The results show the exchange rate variety have heteroscedasticity. Especially for the US dollar exchange rate fluctuations, exchange rate fluctuations in the autocorrelation and het- eroskedasticity showed a strong trend, indicating that the impact of the exchange rate limit. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the external factors such as macroeconomic variables and other changes in exchange rate movements when analyzing exchange rate move- ments and forecasting exchange rates.
作者 朱世友 ZHU Shi-you(Finance College, Anhui University of Finance dr Economics, Bengbu Anhui 233000, Chin)
出处 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第10期57-59,共3页 Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部第47批留学回国人员科研启动基金:我国金融市场的长期记忆研究--以分形协整理论为中心(教外司留{2013}1792号)
关键词 汇率波动 异方差 波动幅度 exchange rate fluctuation heteroscedasticity volatility
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