A peraluminous granite belt occurs along the connecting zone between the TurPan-Hami Precambrian block and the Upper Paleozoic island arc belt. Muscovite granite and two-mica granite are the essential lithological components of that belt. All the potassium feldspars inthese granites are microcline. Heavy minerals are dominated by magnetite. SiO2 contents ofthese granites are greater than 73 % with most of the A/NKC values greater than 1.1, norma-tive corundum values greater than 1. Plots of CIPW norms in the (AL-K-Na)-Ca-(Fe2++ Mg)diagram are mostly situated in the plagioclase-cordierite-muscovite region. The rocks are char-acterized by very low contents of minor elements and ΣREE with strong Eu depletion, δ18Ovalues between 6. 69‰ and 7. 0‰, Rb-Sr isochron age of 260. 2 ± 6. 2 Ma and an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0. 7052. These granites might have been produced by partial melting of moderatelyacidic volcanites and low-maturity sediments in the basement sequences and could be geneticallyconnected with the southward A-type subduction of the Turpan-Hami block following the clo-sure of the Middle Carboniferous back-arc basin.
A peraluminous granite belt occurs along the connecting zone between the TurPan-Hami Precambrian block and the Upper Paleozoic island arc belt. Muscovite granite and two-mica granite are the essential lithological components of that belt. All the potassium feldspars inthese granites are microcline. Heavy minerals are dominated by magnetite. SiO2 contents ofthese granites are greater than 73 % with most of the A/NKC values greater than 1.1, norma-tive corundum values greater than 1. Plots of CIPW norms in the (AL-K-Na)-Ca-(Fe2++ Mg)diagram are mostly situated in the plagioclase-cordierite-muscovite region. The rocks are char-acterized by very low contents of minor elements and ΣREE with strong Eu depletion, δ18Ovalues between 6. 69‰ and 7. 0‰, Rb-Sr isochron age of 260. 2 ± 6. 2 Ma and an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0. 7052. These granites might have been produced by partial melting of moderatelyacidic volcanites and low-maturity sediments in the basement sequences and could be geneticallyconnected with the southward A-type subduction of the Turpan-Hami block following the clo-sure of the Middle Carboniferous back-arc basin.