目的了解新疆食源性疾病发病及其流行趋势,提高早期识别和溯源食源性疾病的能力。方法收集2013—2016年新疆所有食源性疾病哨点医院中符合病例定义的就诊病人的病例信息,同时采集病例肛拭子标本进行病原学检测。结果 2013—2016年共检测5 044份肛拭标本或粪便标本的肠道致病菌,检出率副溶血性弧菌0.09%、沙门菌1.34%、志贺菌0.81%、致泻大肠埃希菌属0.31%、诺如病毒5.10%;发病最多的年龄组为1~3岁,3 304例、占20.27%;第三季度发病率最高、占47.31%;明确可疑原因食品,2015年以不明原因食品为主、2016年以水果及其制品为主;家庭是主要的可疑进食场所。结论新疆食源性疾病病原体主要为诺如病毒、沙门菌和志贺菌,应继续加强食源性疾病主动监测,加强知识宣传,从而减少食源性疾病的发生。
Objective To understand the pathogenesis of foodborne diseases and the epidemic trends, thus to enhance the ability of identifying and tracing the sources of these diseases at early stage. Methods The case history of the patients met the definition of foodborne diseases and etiological test results of the anus swabs were collected from all sentinel hospitals in Xinjiang during 2013—2016. Results There were 5 044 anus swab and feces samples detected for enteropathogenic bacteria. The positive rate of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Salmonella, Shigella, diarrheogenic Escherichia coli and Norovirus was0.09%, 1.34%, 0.81%, 0.31% and 5.10%, respectively. There were 3 304 cases in age group of 1-3 years with the highest proportion of 20.27%. In terms of temporal distribution, most cases of foodborne diseases were found in the third quarter of the year and accounted for 47.31%. With the verification of the suspected food which caused the diseases, unknown foods took the largest proportion in 2015, fruits and its products were the main factors in 2016. Patients' House was suspected to be the main place to eat the food. Conclusions The dominating pathogens of foodborne diseases in Xinjiang are Norovirus, Salmonella and Shigella bacteria. The active surveillance and the propaganda of the foodborne diseases are suggested to be strengthened to reduce the morbidity of foodborne diseases.
Bulletin of Disease Control & Prevention(China)
Foodbome diseases
Sentinel hospitals
Active surveillance