

Dai Benxiao's Travel to the north from the year of 1666 to 1668——Discuss concurrently on the Image-building of himself as the Ming Dynasty Adherent in The Landscape Paintings as the Gift to Man Qingruo
摘要 安徽画家戴本孝在其父戴重抗清绝食而死之后,二十年尊父遗训隐居和州迢迢谷。从其《余生诗稿》可知,1666~1668年的北游是其生命的转折点。首先,戴本孝以45岁为界将其诗稿亲订为《前生集》和《余生集》,而1666年出发的北游即为"前生"之终点,"余生"之起点。其次,戴本孝的北游包含着投诗、赠画、怀古、写生等文化活动,而他在这些活动中无不将自身的遗民志向或明或暗地进行了表达,处处谨慎自律,细节处可见一个以孝为忠的遗民的家国情怀。但同时戴本孝也记录时事,表达出对康熙盛世都城繁盛的赞叹,感情显现出复杂性。由戴本孝诗文可知,《赠冒青若山水册》并非专为冒青若所画,而它的创作和传播过程集中体现出戴本孝此际的身份焦虑。 By following the teachings of the deceased father, Anhui painter Dai Benxiao had lived in seclusion for twenty years at Tiaotiao Gu in Hezhou after the death of his father DAI Zhong, who died of hunger strike in the resistance of Qing Dynasty. It can be learned from the Poems in the Remaining of my Life that to travel to the north in the years of 1666 to 1668 is the turning point of his life. First of all, Dai Benxiao divided his poems into two stages which are Poems of Pre-life and Poems of Remaining Life by his age of 45 as the boundary, and the beginning of his travel to the north in 1666 marked the ending of the "pre-life" and the starting of "the remaining life". Secondly, his travel contains poems composing, paintings offering, nostalgia, sketches and other cultural activities, and he expressed his ambition as a Ming adherent clearly or secretly in these activities, moreover, he disciplined himself at everywhere, and his filial piety for the loyalty of Ming Dynasty can be seen from the details. But at the same time Dai Benxiao also recorded current affairs, to express his admiration on the pros- perity of Kangxi Dynasty. However, it showed his complexity of the feelings. According to DAI Benxiao's poems, we can see that Landscape Paintings as the Gift to Mao Qingruo was not painted for Mao Qingruo, but its' process of creation and com- munication embodies the identity anxiety of Dai Benxiao.
作者 付阳华 Fu Yanghua
出处 《艺术探索》 2017年第5期28-39,共12页 Arts Exploration
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金重点项目"明遗民绘画的图像叙事"(16XNA012)
关键词 戴本孝北游 《赠冒青若山水册》 遗民形塑身份焦虑 Dai Benxiao's travel to the North, the Landscape Paintings as the Gift to Mao Qingruo, the Image-building ofMing Adherent and its' Anxiety of Identity
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