
微创瓷贴面粘接技术的护理难点与对策 被引量:2

Nursing difficulties and strategies for the adhesion of minimally invasive porcelain veneers
摘要 目的探讨微创瓷贴面粘接技术的护理难点、对策及效果。方法 2014年1月至2015年12月,于中山大学附属口腔医院口腔修复科门诊,配合医生完成36例患者共61个微创瓷贴面。其中包括术前的医护及医患沟通,加强患者心理护理;术中配合医生完成瓷贴面的试戴、预处理及粘接;术后配合医生进行摄影、健康宣教并安排复查时间。分析贴面粘接过程中的护理要点及难点,给出护理对策,同时评价护理效果。结果 36例患者随访1~3年,其中34例患者对粘接护理及修复效果满意,2例患者对粘接护理满意,但在修复后1年左右因咬硬物导致瓷贴面崩脱。粘接护理满意度为100%,修复体成功率94.4%。结论实施规范细致的瓷贴面粘接术护理,可有效获得良好的粘接效果,达到医患双方的预期效果。 Objective To analyze the nursing difficulties, strategies and effect of the adhesion of minimally invasive porcelain veneers. Methods In this study, 36 patients with 61 porcelain veneers were included, from January 2014 to December 2015 in Department of Prosthodontics, Hospital of Stomatology, Sun Yat- sen University, to summarize the difficulties and key points during the adhesion nursing for minimally invasive porcelain veneers, and to evaluate the effect of the corresponding nursing strategies. Specifically, measures were taken as follows: to enhance the pre- operation dentist- nurse- patient communication and psychological counseling of patients ; to coordinate with dentists during the process of try- on, preconditioning and adhesion of veneers; to assist dentists in digital photographing, medical advising and follow-up. Results During the follow-up, the restorative outcomes and nursing process were found to be satisfied in 34 patients, while two veneers were debonded due to misuse in approximately one year after cementation. The satisfactory rate for adhesion nursing and the success rate of prostheses were 100% and 94.4% respectively. Conclusion The meticulous nursing in adhesion could be of help in achieving the expectations of both dentists and patients with minimally invasive porcelain veneers.
出处 《中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2017年第5期313-315,共3页 Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition)
关键词 护理学 牙瓷料 牙冠覆盖体 微创性 粘接 随访研究 Nursing Dental porcelain Dental veneers, minimally invasive Adhesion Follow-up studies
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