
Causal Relationship Model of Firm Characteristics Factors and Good Cooperate Governance Affecting the Performance of the Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand

Causal Relationship Model of Firm Characteristics Factors and Good Cooperate Governance Affecting the Performance of the Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand
摘要 The objective of this research was to develop the causal relationship model of firm characteristics factors and good corporate governance affecting the performance of the companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The developed model consisted of three latent variables and eight observable variables. The sample of this study was 338 companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Data are from annual reports (form-56), annual financial statements and notes to the fmancial statements during the years 2010-2013. The statistics used in this study were descriptive statistics. The causal model was analyzed through a path analysis with LISREL 8.80 Student Edition. The results showed as follows. By testing the consistence of the causal model of finn characteristics (CHA), the assumed model was consistent with empirical data. Based on the statistical test, the Chi-Square was 22.08. The statistical probability (p) was 0.077, the degree of freedom (dO was to 0, 2/2 was 1.58, RMSEA was 0.041, SRMR was 0.037, GFI was 0.98, CFI was 0.99, AGFI was 0.96. The latent variable of firm characteristics (CHA) had directly negative impact on performance (PAL) with a statistical significance level of 0.01. A path coefficient was 0.18. However, CHA variable did not indirectly influence performance (PAL) and it had directly negative impact on good corporate governance (GGN) with a path coefficient of 0.02 without statistical significance level. The latent variable of good corporate governance (GGN) had directly positive impact on the performance (PAL) with a statistical significance level of 0.05, with a path coefficient of 0.18.
出处 《Management Studies》 2017年第6期589-597,共9页 管理研究(英文版)
关键词 ftrm characteristics good corporate governance PERFORMANCE 关系模型 特征因子 公司治理 上市公司 绩效 泰国 企业 显著性水平
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