
中国共产党党内学习的历史经验与启示 被引量:1

Historical Experience and Inspirations: Learning Campaigns in the Party
摘要 中国共产党自成立起就致力于开展党内学习,这是夺取革命、建设和改革的胜利的重要经验。呈现出鲜明的特点:从党内学习的主体来看,包括党的领导干部和普通党员两类人员。从学习形式看、既有集中学习,也有个人自学,新世纪以后,信息化为学习形式的多样化提供了契机,使学习发生了革命性的变化,党员学习教育方式随之焕发出新的生机。从学习内容看,党在不同时期的历史方位和历史使命决定了学习内容的与时俱进。在新的历史条件下,要进一步加强和改进党内学习,需要以基本理论为着力点,以增强党的各方面能力为目标,以基层党组织建设为支撑,倡导正确的学风,建立学习的长效机制。 Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has attached great importance to learning cam- paigns within the Party, which have played a remarkably positive role in its victory of the revolution as well as the construction of socialism and the reform. The leaning campaigns have the following features: In terms of the main body of the learners, they cover both leaders and ordinary party members. In terms of the forms of learning, there are both collective concentrated learning and individual self- studies. The information -based era of the new cen- tury has offered diversified learning opportunities and drastically changed our way of learning, adding great vitality to it. In terms of the contents of learning, the Party keeps up with the times and chooses its learning contents in line with its historical positions and missions. In the new circumstances, it is advisable to focus on basic theories, aim at enhancing the capabilities of the Party in every respect, rely on grassroots Party organizations to promote healthy learning style, and establish long - term mechanism for learning, so as to strengthen and improve learning in the Party.
作者 瞿宛林 QU Wanlin(Center for Education and Leadership Assessment, Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, Xicheng, Beijing 100052)
出处 《中国延安干部学院学报》 2017年第1期48-53,共6页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
关键词 中国共产党 党内学习 历史经验 Communist Party of China learning campaign in the Party historical experience
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