
民主社会主义何必以晚年马克思主义作伪装 评《二十一世纪人类的选择——民主社会主义》

Why Use Marxism in Their Later Years as a Cover for Democratic Socialism?——A Critique on the Choice of Mankind in the 21st Century: Democratic Socialism
摘要 以《选择》为代表的民主社会主义者说:马克思和恩格斯在后期由"暴力社会主义"转向了"民主社会主义"。《资本论》第三卷和恩格斯为"马克思论法兰西阶级斗争"所写的《导言》否定了《资本论》第一卷和《共产党宣言》,构成"民主社会主义的理论基础",《导言》"对马克思主义的整个理论体系进行了最后的反思和修正",是"最后遗言"。然而事实证明,这纯粹是谎言。所谓民主社会主义不过是资产阶级的社会主义。马克思主义创始人在基本理论方面是前后一贯的,从来没有转向民主社会主义,根本不存在"晚年"否定"早年"的问题。股份公司作为资本和企业的社会化形式,并没有改变资本主义生产方式的本质。《导言》对18世纪中叶以来工人运动的经验教训进行了总结,指出经济条件、群众觉悟、斗争方式对于无产阶级革命胜利的极端重要性;但是,以合法手段进行斗争并不是放弃无产阶级革命,而是为最后的"决战"积蓄力量。本文的目的在于剥开民主社会主义的马克思主义伪装,揭穿和批判编造的一系列谎言。 Advocates of democratic socialism represented by the Choice of Mankind in the 21st Century: Dem- ocratic Socialism hold that Marx and Angles in their later years turned from advocates of "violent socialism" to ones of "democratic socialism". They maintain that as shown in the 3rd volume of das Kapital and Engles' Introduction to French Class Struggle by Karl Marx, the 1 st Volume of das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto were negated, which constitutes the "theoretical basis for democratic socialism" and that the Introduction, as "final reflections on and corrections to the whole theoretical system of Marxism" , is their " last words". In fact, they are completely lies. The so - called democratic socialism is nothing but bourgeois socialism. The founders of Marxism were consist- ent in their basic theory, they never turned to democratic socialism, and there is no proof that they negate what was in their early years with that in their later years. Joint - stock companies as a socialized form of capital and enterpri- ses have by no means changed the nature of capitalist mode of production. The Introduction summarized the histori- cal lessons of workers' movement since mid - 1700s, pointing out that such factors as economic conditions, worker' s awareness, forms of struggles are extremely important for the victory of the proletariat revolution. However, using means of legal struggles doesn't mean to give up the revolution, but to build up the strength for the "final battle". The purpose of this paper is to remove cover of Marxism from democratic socialism, disclose and refute its lies.
作者 陈文通 CHEN Wentong(College of Economics, Party School of the CPC Central Committee, Haidian, Beijing 100091)
出处 《中国延安干部学院学报》 2017年第1期54-82,共29页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
关键词 马克思主义 民主社会主义 批判 Marxism democratic socialism criticize
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