目的分析郑州市部分高中生功能性胃肠病(functional gastrointestinal disorders,FGIDs)的发病情况。方法根据罗马Ⅲ诊断标准、学生基本情况、负性生活事件、心理压力、睡眠情况、饮食习惯、生活和学习的积极性、适应性和运动量设计高中生FIGDs诊断和调查表。采用随机抽样的方法对郑州市552名高中生进行问卷调查,分析该地区高中生FIGDs患病率及其相关因素。结果 FIGDs总患病率为18.18%,其中患病率前3位分别是功能性消化不良(8.71%)、功能性便秘(5.11%)和功能性腹痛/综合征(3.03%);结果显示,高中生的心理压力、负性事件和饮食习惯等是FIGDs患病的危险因素。结论该地区高中生FGIDs以功能性消化不良和功能性便秘为主;减少学生的心理压力和学习负担、注重心理调节、培养良好的饮食习惯、适当增加睡眠和运动量,可控制高中生FIGDs患病率。
Objective To analyze and investigate prevalence of the functional gastrointestinal disease (FGIDs) for senior high school students in Zhengzhou. Methods FIGDs diagnostic questionnaires were designed according to the Rome Ⅲ diagnostic criteria amendment,basic information, negative life events, mental pressure, sleep quality, dietary habits, enthusiasm of life and study, adaptability and amount of exercise. A questionnaire survey to 552 senior high school students in Zhengzhou, was performed by using the method of stratified random sampling to investigate the prevalence and related factors of FIGDs among senior high school students. Results The total prevalence of FIGDs was 18.18% and the highest incidence was functional dyspepsia (8.71%), followed by functional constipation (5.11%) and functional abdominal pain/syndrome (3.03%). Analysis of results showed that mental pressure, negative life events and dietary habits were risky factors that may induce FIGDs among senior high school students. Conclusion Functional dyspepsia and functional constipation were two main types of FIGDs among senior high school students in this region. It may reduce prevalence of FIGDs by reducing mental pressure and learning burden, beneficial psychological adjustment, cultivating good eating habits and increasing the amount of sleep and exercise.
Guide of China Medicine
Functional gastrointestinal disorder
Senior high school student