

Preparation of Li_(1+x)V_3O_8 Doped with TiO_2 by Solid State Reaction of Coordination Method
摘要 以LiCO_3和V_2O_5为原料,采用固相配位化学反应法掺杂TiO_2合成了层状锂钒氧化物。通过XRD测试,显示产物主相为Li_(1+x)V_3O_8,但其峰位有所偏移,证明了Ti掺杂进了该层状结构中。采用0.5 mA/cm^2的电流密度做充放电测试,结果显示,在充放电区间1.5~4.0 V时,首次放电比容量达到了210mAh/g,高于作为对比的传统固相烧结法产物,表现出了较优的容量储存性能。 Lithium vanadium oxide Li(1+x)V3O8 used as the cathode of rechargeable lithium batteries was made by solid state reaction of coordination method with TiO2 doped. The XRD pattern of doped samples show that the compound made by this method has a main phase Li(1+x)V3O8,and the TEM of doped images a same morphology compared with that prepared by normal synthesis method. This material shows a better electrical performance,the first discharge specific capacity reached 210 mAh/g.
作者 刘进 赵辉
出处 《山东化工》 CAS 2017年第18期48-51,共4页 Shandong Chemical Industry
关键词 LI1+XV3O8 二氧化钛 固相配位法 Li1 + x V3 O8 titanium dioxide solid state reaction of coordination method
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