目的:了解目前全国艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)中医药研究者研究主题情况,以期为艾滋病中医药研究提供借鉴和参考。方法:通过检索主要的中文数据库纳入艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)中医药研究,利用BICOMS-2分析软件对主题词进行抽取和整理,并生成共现矩阵,利用NetDraw绘制网络关系图,采用g CLUTO进行聚类分析。结果:纳入3 182篇艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)中医药研究进行主题分析,主要分为HIV/AIDS的中医药治疗、AIDS中医证候与证型、抗病毒治疗的依从性3个研究主题。结论:艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)中医药研究者研究主题有待进一步加强,今后应该关注临床研究。
Objective: To analysis research subjects of traditional Chinese medicine for HIV/AIDS in the Chinese papers,with a view to provide reference to the domestic AIDS researchers. Methods: We systematically searched major Chinese databases,and included all available study of traditional Chinese medicine for HIV/AIDS in the Chinese papers,and extracted the medical subject headings and produced co-medical subject headings matrix by BICOMS-2 software,the figure of network by NetDraw and cluster analysis by g CLUTO. Results: The outcome showed that there were 3 182 studies related to traditional Chinese medicine for HIV/AIDS,which were mainly divided 3 research topics,HIV/AIDS Chinese medicine treatment,AIDS TCM syndrome and syndromes and anti-virus treatment compliance,respectively. Conclusion: HIV/AIDS Chinese medicine researchers research subject to be further strengthened,in the future should be concerned about clinical research.
Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide