

Thoughts on the Focus of Trade Union Work in the New Situation
摘要 通过深入学习党的十八届六中全会公报内容,联系工会工作实际,试图找准新形势下工会工作的着力点。要把维护职工的合法权益作为工会最基本的职责,坚持和丰富中国特色社会主义工会发展道路,不断加强服务职工的工作,在社会主义民主及企事业民主管理中发挥作用,加强工会领导班子和工会干部队伍建设。 Through in-depth study of the communique of the party's Sixth Plenary Session of the 18 th CPC National Congress, and contact the actual work of the trade union, trying to identify the focus of trade union work under the new situation. The trade union should safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers as the Union's basic responsibility, uphold and enrich the Chinese socialist trade union development, continue to strengthen staff work, play a role in socialist democracy and democratic management of enterprises, strengthen trade union leadership and trade union cadres.
作者 胡娟
机构地区 西安市职工大学
出处 《职大学报》 2017年第5期122-124,共3页 Journal of the Staff and Worker’s University
关键词 新形势 工会工作 着力点 new situation trade union work focus
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