目的探究神经营养因子修饰胚胎脊髓神经干细胞移植后脊髓损伤大鼠的功能恢复与损伤局部基因表达。方法于2016年8月从孕18 d的30只大鼠胚胎脑部皮质中提取适量的脊髓神经干细胞,对其进行体外培养,然后采用巢蛋白免疫荧光染色方法进行鉴定,将鉴定后的胚胎脊髓神经干细胞植入成年的大鼠损伤脊髓,并将其分为3组,对照组10只、神经干细胞组10只、神经干细胞加胚胎细胞衍生的神经因子移植10只,对胚胎神经干细胞的存活进行观察分析,并对大鼠的损伤后的功能恢复情况以及局部基因表达进行比较分析。结果经过胚胎神经干细胞移植后,7、21 d大鼠的运动功功能评分分别为(26.37±4.62)分、(39.55±2.42)分,对照组7、21 d的运动功能评分分别为(25.62±2.523)分、(32.43±2.46)分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),脊髓损伤局部空洞面积也得到了减小(P<0.05),在胚胎神经干细胞中加入修饰胚胎脊髓的神经营养因子后,大鼠的运动功能恢复与局部损伤基因状况改善更加明显,神经干细胞不仅存活,而且能够向损伤头尾处迁移4 mm。结论采用神经营养因子修饰胚胎脊髓神经干细胞移植后,不仅能够使神经细胞存活,迁移,而且能促进大鼠功能的有效恢复。
Objective This p a p e r tr ie s to in v es tig ate th e fu n c tio n a l recovery and damage of lo ca l gene exp res sion in rats with spinal cord injury af ter transplantat ion of neurotrophic factor -modif ied embryonic spinal cord neural stem cells. Meth-ods The spina l cord neura l stem ce lls were extra c ted from the bra in cortex of 30 rat embryos for 18 days from August 2016, and then cul tured in vitro by nest in immunofluorescence staining. The embryonic spinal cord neural stem cells were im-planted into adul t rats . The adul t rats were divided into three groups: the control group (n=10), the neural stem cells (n=10), the neural stem cells (MSCs) and embryonic cells (n=10). The survival of embryonic neural stem cells was observed and analyzed. And th e fu n ction al recovery of th e rats af te r in ju ry and th e lo ca l gene ex p res sion were analyzed. Results Af-te r embryonic n eu ra l stem ce lls tran sp lan ta t io n , th e move-men t fu n c tio n score of rats af te r 7 days and 21 days were (26.37 ±4.62)points an d (39.55 ± 2.42 )p oints respec tiv e ly , an d th e control group in th e movement of 7 days and 21 days were (25.62±2.523)points and (32.43±2.46)points respectively, the difference was stat is t ical ly signif icant (P〈0.05),local cavity area of spinal cord injury was also decreased (P〈0.05); af ter adding modifiers in embryonic neural stem cells of em-bryonic spinal cord af ter neurotrophic factor, the improvement of rats5 motor function recovery and par t ial damage genetic was apparent , not only did the neural stem cells survive, but also damage could migrate 4 mm from the head and tail. Con-clusion The u se of n eu ro tro p hic fa ctor modified embryonic sp in a l cord n eu ra l stem c e l l tran sp la n ta t io n not only c a n make nerve cel l survive and migrate, but also promote effective functional recovery in rats.
China & Foreign Medical Treatment
Neu ro trop hic factor
Embryonic sp in a l cord n eu ra l stem ce lls
S pina l cord injury
F u n c t io n a l recovery