Objective This p a p e r tries to ev a lu a te th e c l in ic a l effect of N T -p roB N P on c a rd ia c function in p reg n an t women with pregnancy induced hyper tens ion. Methods C onvenient s ele ct ion 136 cases of h yp er ten s iv e diso rd ers comp lic at in g pregnancy women from May 2015 to May 2017 in this hospi tal were selected as the research objects, according to the dif-ferent categories of diseases, these pat ients were divided into the experimental group one(ges tat ional hyper tens ion, 42 cases), group two (preeclamps ia, 55 cases) , and the experimental group three (eclampsia, 39 cases) , another 45 cases of healthy pregnant women of the same period were selected as the control group. All pat ients were tes ted for serum NT-proBNP levels and myocardial enzymes before terminat ion of pregnancy, and the class ificat ion of cardiac function was observed in each group. Results In th e ex p erimen ta l group th re e , th e NT -p roBNP was (7 9 6.5± 63 .1 )p g /mL , c re a t in e k in a se isoenzyme was (78.3±19.2)ng/mL, myoglobin was (65.5±2.4)ng/mL, hear t function of III耀 IV leve l was 9 7 .5% , a l l ind ex es were h ig h e r th an the control group and the experiment group one and two. Conclusion Serum N T -p roB N P may in c re a se with th e aggravation of hyper tensive disorders complicat ing pregnancy and hear t damage. It can be used as a sensit ive index to evaluate the car-diac function of pregnant women with hyper tensive disorders complicat ing pregnancy.
China & Foreign Medical Treatment
Hyp e rtens iv e diso rd ers comp lic at in g p regnancy
NT -proBNP
Cardiac function