

Therapeutic Effect of Carprost on Anus Exhaust after Caesarean Section
摘要 目的卡孕栓在剖腹产术后促肛门排气的治疗效果。方法方便选取2016年1月—2017年1月该院产科择期行剖宫产的60例产妇的生产资料,依据使用药物的不同分为观察组与对照组,每组30例,观察组患者术后使用卡孕栓治疗;对照组患者常规治疗药物。对比两组患者术后个指标、手术前后腹胀、腹痛评分。结果对照组:首次排便时间(44.65±8.54)h、首次排气时间(40.89±7.43)h、下床活动时间(19.67±8.54)h;观察组:首次排便时间(28.78±6.45)h、首次排气时间(22.54±6.99)h、下床活动时间(18.89±9.05)h。观察组术后首次排便、排气时间时间均显著低于对照组,有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组术后1 d腹胀评分(2.59±0.12)分、腹痛评分(3.65±0.12)分;术后3 d腹胀评分(0.45±0.09)分、腹痛评分(0.76±0.09)分。对照组1 d腹胀评分(2.61±0.12)分、腹痛评分(3.59±0.11)分;术后1 d差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术后3 d腹胀评分(1.48±0.11)、腹痛评分(2.14±0.10)。两组术后1 d、3 d腹痛、腹胀评分差异有统计学意义;观察组术后5 d腹痛、腹胀评分显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论卡孕栓作用剖腹产产妇能显著改善患者肠胃蠕动情况,加快术后第一次排气,提高产妇术后生活质量。 Object ive This paper tries to observe the effect of carprost on promoting anal exhaust af ter caesarean section. Methods 60 cases of caesarean sect ion in this hospi tal from January 2016 to January 2017 were convenient selected and di -vided into the observation group and the control group according to the different drugs, with 30 cases in each group, the ob-servation group adopted pos toperative carprost treatment; the control group was treated with routine medicine. The pos toper-ative indexes , abdominal dis tens ion, abdominal pain score before and af ter surgery of two groups were compared. Results In the control group: the first defecation time was (44.65±8.54), the f irs t exhaust time was (40.89±7.43)h, ambulat ion time was (19.67±8.54)h; in the observation group: the first defecation time was (28.78±6.45)h, the f irst exhaus t time was (22.54±6.99)h, ambulat ion time was (18.89±9.05)h. The pat ients in the observation group af ter the f irs t defecation time were significantly lower than the control group, there was stat ist ical signif icance(P〈0.05); the pat ients in the observation group with abdominal dis tens ion score af ter one day was (2.59±0.12)points , abdominal pain score was (3.65±0.12)points ; pos toperative abdominal dis tens ion score af ter three days was (0.45±0.09)points , abdominal pain score was (0.76±0.09)points . The abdominal disten-sion score in the control group af ter one day was (2.61±0.12)points , abdominal pain score was (3.59±0.11)points ; no signif i-cant difference in postoperative for one day (P〉0.05); pos toperative abdominal dis tens ion score af ter three days was (1.48土0.11)points and abdominal pain score was (2.14±0.10)points. The pos toperative abdominal pain score of the two groups was s ignif icantly different af ter one or three days; the observation group af ter 5 days abdominal pain score was signif icantly low-er than the control group, there was stat ist ical signif icance (P〈0.05). Conclusion The effect of carpros t in par tur ient womencan s ignif icantly improve gastrointes tinal motility, accelerate the postoperative first exhaust and improve the quality of life af ter cesarean section.
作者 王宏珍
出处 《中外医疗》 2017年第26期125-127,共3页 China & Foreign Medical Treatment
关键词 卡孕栓 剖腹产术 肛门排气 Carprost Caesarean section Anal exhaust
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