Object ive This paper tr ies to explore the tradi t ional Chinese medicine nurs ing in patients with dysphagia after stroke. Methods 100 pat ients with dysphagia af ter stroke in the hospi tal from December 2015 to December 2016 were con-veniently selected and underwent rehabi l i tat ion therapy, and were divided into Chinese medicine nursing group and routine nursing group according to the different treatment methods, with 50 cases in each group, the routine nursing group was treated with routine rehabi l i tat ion, the TCM nurs ing group was treated with the tradi t ional Chinese medicine nursing on the bas is of routine nursing group, and then the therapeut ic effect of two groups were compared. Results The total effective rate of the TCM nursing group af ter treatment was 96%, signif icantly higher than the control group of 68%, and the differences between groups were stat is t ically signif icant(P〈0.05). Conclusion Chinese medicine nursing in pat ients with dysphagia after stroke can effectively improve the pat ients swallowing fu n ction , improve th e i r q u a lity of life, so it is worth p op ular iza tion and applicat ion.
China & Foreign Medical Treatment
Tradit ional Chinese medicine nursing