Objective to explore the curative effect of small needle knife therapy stroke shoulder pain. Methods : 80 cases of stroke in patieets wth shoul-der pain, were randomly divided into control group and experimental group, 40 cases in each. Control group using QuAn shrinkage of shoulder joint cavity injection method, the experimental group ater using needle knife therapy combined wth QuAn shrinkage cavity injection of the shoulder joint, the two groups before and ater treatment in patients with visual analogue scale ( VAS) , the modified Ashworth scale (MAS) score were analyzed. Results : two groups of patients with 2, 4 weeks pain score, outwad turning score comparison difference was statisticallysmall needle knife therapy stroke shoulder pain has obtained the good effect
Inner Mongolia Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Small needle knife
Stroke shoulder painpain significantly, s^e and effective, is worth application in clinical practice.