3Kai Christoffel et al. , "The Role of Labor Markets for Euro AreaMonetary Policy", European Economic Review, Vol. 53, 2009, pp. 908 936.
4Claire Econonfidou and Clemens Kool, "European Economic Integration and (a)synunetry of Mac- roeconomic Fluctuations", Economic Modelliltg, Voh 26, 2009, pp. 778- 787.
5See A. Beyer, J. A. Doomik and D. F. Hendry, "Constructing Historical Euro-zone Data", The Economic Journal, Vol. lll, 2001, pp. 102 121.
6See Werner Antweiler, "The Euro. Technical Notes", 2001, http.//fx, sauder, ubc. ca/euro/.
7See Jeffrey A. Frankel and Shang-Jin Wei, "Yen Bloc or Dollar Bloc? Exchange Rate Policies of the East Asian Economies", in Takatoshi Ito and Anne O. Jrueger eds. , Macroeconomic Linkage. Savings, Exchange Rate and Capital Flows, 1994, Chicago. University of Chicago Press.
8Rien J. L. M. Wagenvoort et al. , '" A Factor Analysis Approach to Measuring European Loanand Bond Market Integration", Journal of Banking and Finance, Forthcoming.
9See Richard Baldwin and Daniel Gros, "The Euro in Crisis. What to Do?", Completing the Eu- rozone Rescue. What More Need to be Done, 2010, http.//voxeu, org/index, php? q=node/5194o.
10See Karsten Staehr, "Fiscal Policies and Business Cycles in an Enlarged Euro Area", Economic Systems, Vol. 32, 2008, pp. 46-69.