
农民合作社信用合作的生长机制分析 被引量:16

Analysis on the Growth Mechanism of Farmer Cooperatives' Credit Cooperation
摘要 随着农民合作社的快速发展,合作社信用合作已经成为现阶段新型农村合作金融发展的主要形态。农民合作社信用合作的生长过程,就是不断累积政治合法性、社会合法性、行政合法性和法律合法性,从中获取和整合多元资源,推动系统内各要素重组和彼此作用,激发多元复合资源体系的整体活力,推动信用合作制度持续创新的过程。在这个过程中,有效防范金融风险,避免信用合作制度异化和功能异化,探索构建符合合作金融基本原则的产权制度、治理结构和管理机制是促进合作社信用合作健康发展的关键。而这既需要国家加快立法进程,地方政府落实好监管主体责任,也需要合作社增强信用合作的独立性和主体性,有效整合资源,拓展自主发展空间。 With the rapid development of farmer cooperatives,credit cooperation has become the main form of the finance development of new rural cooperatives.The growth process of the farmer cooperative's credit cooperation is the process of accumulating political legitimacy,social legitimacy,administrative legitimacy and legal legitimacy,obtaining and integrating multiple resources,promoting the reorganization and interaction of the elements of the system,stimulating the overall vitality of the multi-resource system,and then promoting the continuous innovation of credit cooperation system.In this system,the key to promote the healthy development of cooperatives' credit cooperation are guarding against financial risks,avoiding the alienation of credit cooperation system and the function alienation,exploring the construction of the property rights system,governance structure and management mechanism in line with the basic principles of cooperative finance.This requires the country to speed up the legislative process,the local government to implement the main responsibility for supervision,and it also requires cooperatives to enhance the independence and subjectivity of credit cooperation,integrate resources effectively,and expand the space of independent development.
作者 赵晓峰 ZHAO Xiaofeng(Research Center of Collaborative Innovation for Rural Governance and Social Construction in Shaanxi Province Northwest A & F University, Yangling , Shaanxi 712100, China)
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期32-39,共8页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(16BSH117)
关键词 合作社信用合作 新型农村合作金融 合作金融 合法性 多元资源整合 farmer cooperatives' credit cooperation new rural cooperative finance cooperative finance legitimacy multi-resource integration
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