目的通过对2014~2016年北京市延庆区手足口病的病原学监测,了解北京市延庆区手足口病的流行特征,以便制定有效的防控措施。方法应用实时荧光定量PCR方法,对2014~2016年北京市延庆区门诊采集手足口病例咽拭子标本进行肠道病毒核酸检测,同时应用SPSS 19.0软件对检测结果进行统计学分析。结果 2014~2016年延庆区手足口病例肠道病毒核酸阳性率为78.69%(192/244);CoxA16、CoxA6、EV71、其他未分型肠道病毒病毒核酸阳性数分别为79份(32.37%)、17份(6.97%)、67份(27.46%)、29份(11.88%);2014~2016年手足口病高峰期均出现在6~7月;不同性别、年龄的病毒检测阳性率差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 2014~2016年北京市延庆区手足口病的病毒核酸阳性率较高。
Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of HFMD in Yanqing district,Beijing city,so as to make effective prevention and control measures. Methods The real-time fluorescence PCR method was applied to de- tect the intestinal virus nucleic acid in the collected specimens of throat swabs from HFMD cases at OPDs in Yanqing dis- trict,Beiiing city,and the SPSS software was applied to analyze the results of the test. Results The positive rate of in- testinal viral nucleic acid was 78.69 % (192/244) in Yanqing district, Beijing city, 2014-2016. The CoxA16, CoxA6, EV71 and other undifferentiated enterovirus nucleic acid samples were 79 (32.37%), 17 (6.97%), 67 (27.46%) and 29 (11.88%) respectively. During 2014-2016,the peaks of HFMD were in June-July. There was no statistically significant difference in the positive rate with different gender and age. Conclusion The positive rate of viral nucleic acid is high in Yanqing district,Beijing city during 2014-2016.
Preventive Medicine Tribune