针对校园网数据流量高 ,并发共享用户数多的特点 ,一种新的NAS网络存储模式问世。此模式建立在已有的校园网结构之上 ,提供了一种即插即用、易于管理、易于扩展的方法来增加校园网数据吞吐量 ,能够快速有效地解决多媒体教育资源迅速增长所面临的海量存储和网络共享问题 。
According to the large quantity of data flow and parallel users,there appears a new network storage model-NAS.This model is based on the structure of the existing school network.It also supports a convenient way to enrich the handling capacity of the network data,to deal with the storage and network-sharing problems brought by the rapid development of multimedia educational resource,and to increase the speed and efficiency by a wide margin in the sharing of network educational resource.
Shandong Electronics