旅游景点、课本、网络等关于"七星岩风景区"的相关英译各不相同,一名多译,混乱不堪。本文旨在分析景点名称的文化内涵,阐述"七星岩风景区"可英译为Seven Star Grotto National Park之理据,并采用平行文本加以佐证。最后,提出旅游景点名称翻译必须规范统一,言之有理,译之有据。
It is a confussing phenomenon that the same Chinese scenic area/spot has several different English versions. This paper investigates the different translated versions of Qixingyan Park in the park, in the text book, and on the internet, analyses the original meaning behind the' Chinese name, discusses the translation basis, puts forward a suggesting translation, compared with the parallel text of the official translation home and abroad,and calls for one standardized translation for the same scenic area/spot.