对中新天津生态城区域沉降物进行了研究。结果表明,雨季COD、TN月总沉降通量高于非雨季,而SS、COD、TN、TP的月干沉降通量则低于非雨季。TN全年沉降通量为2 210.8kg/km^2,其中60.2%来自于湿沉降;干沉降对SS、COD和TP的沉降贡献较大,全年SS、COD、TP的总沉降通量分别为76 100、13 700和124.8 kg/km^2,其中干沉降所占比例依次为64.2%、58.5%和61.4%。SS、COD和TP的沉降通量与雾霾天气呈现出一定的正相关性。全年大气总沉降进入清净湖的TN、TP和COD负荷分别为2 586.59、146.02和16 028.06 kg。生态城TN月平均总沉降通量和月平均干沉降通量均低于太湖流域和珠江口地区,TP月平均沉降通量则高于这两个地区;TN月平均干沉降通量高于厦门海域,TP月平均干沉降通量则低于厦门海域。
Study on the regional deposition in Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city showed that the monthly total deposition flux of COD and TN were higher in wet season than in dry season, while the monthly dry deposition flux of SS, COD, TN and TP were reversed. The annual deposition flux of TN was 2 210.8 kg/km^2, consisting of 60.2% wet deposition. Dry deposition contributed greatly to SS, COD and TP. The annual total deposition of SS, COD and TP were 76 100 kg/km^2, 13 700 kg/km2 and 124.8 kg/km2, respectively; and the proportion of dry deposition was 64.2%, 58.5% and 61.4%, respectively. The deposition flux of SS, COD and TP demonstrated a positive correlation with the haze weather. The annual total deposition of TN, TP and COD from atmosphere into the Qingjing lake were 2 586.59 kg, 146.02 kg and 16 028.06 kg, respectively. The monthly average total and dry deposition flux of TN were both lower than that in the Taihu basin and the Pearl River Estuary; however, the average monthly deposition flux of TP was higher than that in the two areas. Comparing to the Xiamen sea area, the mean monthly dry deposition flux of TN was higher, and that of TP was lower.
China Water & Wastewater