为明确四川凉山主要烟区烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)的发生规律,分别于2015~2016年采用五点调查法调查了凉山5个主要植烟县烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)上烟粉虱的始发期和发生量及持续危害时间等重要参数。结果表明,烟粉虱的发生具有明显的时序动态,且各县2015年均表现为单峰型,2016年冕宁县和德昌县为单峰型,其余各县为双峰型,同时,冕宁县和盐源县烟粉虱2年间的最大值均未达到1.00头/株;烟粉虱的始发期除冕宁县在6月中旬外,其余各县均在5月中、下旬发生,其在各县的持续危害时间主要集中在6月下旬至8月中旬。
To understand the occurrence rule of Bemisia tabaci(Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae)in Liangshan tobacco regins of Sichuan province,the beginning date,occurrence quantity and duration of B. tabaci were investigated per 15 d in main tobacco regins of Liangshan of Sichuan province in 2015 ~2016 by the five point sampling method, respectively. The results indicated that there was obvious seasonal dynamic of B. tabaci appeared in 2015,while it presented a single peak curve except for Mianning and Dechang in 2016, which were bimodal type curve. The occurrence quantity of B. tabaci in Mianning and Yanyuan were less than 1.00 per plant in 2015~2016, respectively. In addition,the beginning date of B. tabaci were in mid or late May in main county of Liangshan except for Mianning county,where the beginning date was in mid June,and the duration of B.tabaci were from late June through mid August.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences