以香格里拉市七年生的酿酒葡萄赤霞珠(Vitis vinifera L.cv.Cabernet Sauvignon)为研究对象,分析比较了不同试验点土壤湿度对果实品质的影响。结果表明,茨中点在整个生育期内土壤湿度满足了葡萄的正常生长需求,相关果实品质符合正常酿造要求。尼通点的葡萄果实糖酸比过低,不适宜做酿造原料。达日点的土壤湿度偏低,其葡萄粒重等指标明显低于其他试验点,影响产量。阿东点的整个生育期内土壤湿度合理,在转色成熟期时维持较低的土壤水分,该试验点糖酸比最高,葡萄品质较好。而达日点的土壤湿度明显偏低,较为干旱,应进行适当灌溉。在香格里拉市葡萄种植区对葡萄进行节水调质灌溉时,可将阿东点的土壤湿度水平作为参考,在转色成熟期维持较低水平的土壤湿度既有利于提高水分利用效率,又有利于增加酿酒葡萄总糖的积累和保持适宜的总酸量。
The difference of soil water and relative fruit quality was analyzed and compared with 7-year-old wine grape Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon in Shangri-La city as the research object. The result shows,soil moisture at Cizhong satisfied the normal growth demand of the grape during the whole growth period,and the fruit quality was in accordance with the normal brewing requirements. Test point Nitong grape fruit sugar and sugar ratio is too low is not suitable as a brewing material. Soil moisture at Dari was low,the weight of grape produced where is obviously lower than that in other experimental sites. Soil moisture at Adong met the customary growth requirements of the grapes during the entire growth period and in coloring maturity period, the soil moisture content was lower,and the sugar and acid ratio was the highest,and the grape quality was better. The soil moisture at the test site is significantly lower and more arid and should be properly irrigated. In the Yunnan Shangri-La grape growing area of the grape for water-saving irrigation,you can test the soil temperature of the soil as a reference. The soil moisture is should be at the lower level during the color-ripening period under the premise of ensuring the soil moisture to meet the normal growth of the wine grape. It is not only by improving irrigation efficiency but also by increasing the total sugar content of wine grape and maintenance of the appropriate amount of total acid.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences