±500 kV高肇直流线路局部区段导线舞动严重,舞动产生的导线交变应力造成导线损伤和金具磨损,为减少导线舞动的损害,研制了±500 k V极间间隔棒并应用在该线路上提高线路抗风偏、舞动能力。通过对电气、机械性能要求的综合研究和分析,提出了极间间隔棒的制作要求和技术参数,属国内首次研制成的±500 kV极间间隔棒。研制的间隔棒已按技术要求通过所需的所有机电综合试验,并已运用于高肇直流线路,为工程问题的解决提供了具体方案;同时也为超、特高压导线舞动、风偏的限制提供了技术条件。
The galloping of transmission lines in some sections of ± 500 kV Gao Zhao HVDC transmission line is very serious,which causes the damage of the conductor and fitting because of the periodic stresses produced by galloping.In order to decrease the damage produced by the galloping of transmission lines,± 500 kV phase-to-phase composite spacer has been developed and applied in ± 500 kV Gao Zhao HVDC project,which increases the anti-swing and anti-galloping ability of lines.It is the new phase-to-phase composite spacer developed in China for the first time,which is tested by some electrical and mechanical research and analysis.This kind of composite spacer has passed all the technical tests covered mechanical and electrical requirements and has been used in ± 500 kV Gao Zhao HVDC project.It not only provides the solution for the galloping of transmission lines in ± 500 kV Gao Zhao HVDC project,but also provides the technical support to solve the galloping and swing of conductors in EHV and UHV transmission lines.
Sichuan Electric Power Technology
transmission lines
pole - to - pole spacer