
协同计算在机载阵列天线分析中的应用 被引量:2

Application of Co-computation in the Analysis of Airborne Antenna Array
摘要 在机载阵列天线的分析过程中,采用单一种类的电磁算法通常难以对之高效求解。为了快速准确分析此类复杂电大目标的辐射和散射问题,基于区域分解的思想建立了一种多算法协同计算的统一架构。将复杂电磁问题划分为多个子区域,对于问题的不同子区域可以根据该区域内的材料、结构、馈源等特征来选择适合的数值方法进行计算。该协同计算框架将不同种类的算法隔离开来,不同区域之间统一采用等效面上的近场交换区域间的耦合作用,提高了算法协同的灵便性。各子区域内部可以采用并行计算、核外存储等技术来加快计算的过程,提高求解问题的规模。数值计算结果验证了该方法的有效性,同时采用并行核外高阶、低阶矩量法及多层快速多极子混合方法高效解决了机载微带天线阵的辐射特性分析问题。 In the analysis of airborne antenna array,a single kind of electromagnetic algorithm can hardly solve the problem in efficient way.In order to analyze the scattering and radiation of electrically large target,this paper constructs a framework for co-computation of different methods based on domain decomposition method.The complex electromagnetic problem is divided into several sub-domains.Different sub-domain can choose appropriate method according to the structure,material and feeding.The framework insulates the different methods and exchanges the coupling by near field on equivalent surface.It improves the flexibility and convenience of this method.At the same time,each sub-domain can use the accelerating technique,such as parallel and out-of-core.Finally,numerical results show this framework is valid and can solve the radiation of an airborne micro-strip antenna array in a short time by the cooperation of higher-order,RWG method of moments and MLFMA.
出处 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期8-12,共5页 Journal of Microwaves
基金 863计划(2014AA01A302) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-13-0949) 山东省重点研发计划(2015GGX101028) 国家自然科学基金(61301069) 中央高校基本科研业务费(JB160218)
关键词 协同计算 矩量法 核外求解 机载天线 co-computation, method of moment, out-of-core solving, airborne antenna
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