Different people have different views on the stock market As an independent financial observers, Mr. Hou Ning has unique understanding on the trend of Chinese stock market. Whether the stock market was in madness or whine, he could keep clear and calm at each inflection point. On May 15^th, 2001, he predicted that in June and July the stock market will crash; on June 9th, 2005, he published an article to say that it's the only time China's stock market fell below one thousand points, and then he asserted the stock market will completely reverse in July. While in 2007, when A shares rose to 6124 points crazily, he said it was the iron roof in the future five to six years. In April, 2008, He asserted that the 3500 had to cut a point to 1800. On the forum about Worth of global investment video sharing, the reporters of International Financing Magazine interviewed Mr. Hou Ning. He asserted that the turning point of China's stock market to go out of long-term downward channel had come when the stock index broke 3300 points.
International Financing