目的探讨离子型谷氨酸受体2B(GRIN2B)基因rs1805247多态性与精神分裂症脑灰质体积和静息态低频振幅(ALFF)的关联。方法对97例精神分裂症患者和99名正常对照者进行Siemens 3.0T MRI扫描及DNA测序方法,分析该多态性与脑灰质体积和静息态ALFF的关联以及基因-诊断交互效应对脑影像特征的影响。结果 73例精神分裂症患者和99名对照者通过数据质控,两组被试中rs1805247的G等位基因携带者均较AA携带者扣带回、额叶等灰质体积增加(P<0.05),多重检验校正后仅对照组扣带回仍有意义(q<0.05);患者组G等位基因携带者较AA携带者的海马旁回静息态ALFF活性增强(q<0.05);大脑灰质体积的遗传主效应位于颞上回(q<0.05),但诊断主效应及基因-诊断交互作用均不显著。结论 GRIN2B基因rs1805247多态性与精神分裂症脑灰质体积关联不显著,而海马旁回、颞上回静息态ALFF活性异常。
Objective To explore the association of the GRIN2B rs1805247 polymorphism with the brain structure and function pathological mechanism in schizophrenia. Methods Ninety-seven schizophrenia patients( according to the diagnosis criteria of DSM-IV) and ninety-nine age and gender-matched healthy controls were recruited and examined using MRI scanning and DNA sequencing. Results After quality control,73 schizophrenia patients and 99 healthy control subjects were enrolled the analyses. We found the volume increase of the cingulate gyrus,limbic lobe,frontal lobe in the G allele compared with the AA homozygous(uncorrected P 0. 001). Also,we found that the parahippocampal gyrus was greater activated than the AA homozygous(FDR corrected q 0. 05). Besides,we found that rs1805247 had the interaction effects with schizophrenia,and the main effects of rs1805247 was the volume decrease of the cingulate gyrus and the lower activation in superior temporal gyrus( FDR corrected q 0. 05). Conclusion These results contribute to the evidence that GRIN2B rs1805247 polymorphism may has an effect on resting ALFF in schizophrenia.
Journal of Jining Medical University