Objective To investigate the computed tomography (CT) features of clear cell papilla- ry renal cell carcinoma (CCPRCC). Methods The CT features of 6 patients with CCPRCC were analyzed retrospectively. The size, location, growth pattern, shape, texture, calcification, necrosis, hemorrhage, CT value, enhancement form and enhancement degree of the tumor and perirenal lymph nodes were ob- served. Results All 6 cases of CCPRCC were solitary lesions, of which 3 were located in the left kidney and 3 in the right kidney. Maximum tumor diameter ranged from 1.5 cm to 4. 0 cm. The tumor margin was well-defined in 4 cases and ill-defined in two cases. All tumors showed expansive growth without invasion. There were three cases of endophytie growth and three cases of exophytic growth. Regarding tumor composi- tion, only one case was cystic and the other five cases were solid. No calcification, necrosis and hemorrhage occurred in all the tumors. The CT value of tumors in unenhanced phase ranged from 31.2 HU to 42. 5 HU. During the enhanced CT scan, 5 cases showed highly enhancement and 1 case showed moderate enhance-ment. The CT value of tumors in corticomedullary phase ranged from 75.1 HU to 150. 1 HU. In nephro- graphic phase, the enhancement degree in 1 case continued to increase, but it decreased in the other 5 ca- ses. The CT value ranged from 73.3 HU to 102. 2 HU. The enhancement degree in all 6 cases decreased in excretory phase and the CT value ranged from 52. 6 HU to 79. 1 HU. In the aspect of tumor enhancement form, only one case showed homogeneous enhancement and the other five cases showed heterogeneous en- hancement. In addition, the peripheral renal lymph nodes were not enlarged in all patients, and no tumor invasion or tumor thrombus formation occurred in the renal vein. Conelusions CCPRCC has a relatively specific CT features that are easily distinguished from papillary renal cell carcinoma or chromophobe renal cell carcinoma, but it is difficult to identify from early-stage clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
Journal of Chinese Physician