
关于明初的均工夫役 被引量:4

On Jungongfu Corvée in the Early Ming Dynasty
摘要 明朝初期实行的均工夫役,不少学者做过专门探讨,但都不够准确,实际上它包含三种既有联系又有区别的役法:第一种实行于直隶和江西,按每田一顷出夫一人的标准佥征,任务是修缮京师的城垣河道,实行时间大约从洪武元年持续到洪武十九年;第二种实行于京师营建的高峰期,除直隶、江西外,还扩展到湖广,按田地面积或税粮数量为基准佥派,任务是烧造并输送京师和中都营建所用城砖;第三种是第一种的替代,实行于直隶应天、太平、镇江、宁国、广德五府州,按每四丁共出一夫的标准佥征,实行时间大约从洪武十九年持续到宣德年间。 There was a corvee called Jungongfit (均工夫) in the early Ming Dynasty, which included three types of corvee that were related to and different from one another. The first type of corv6e was enforced in Zhili (直隶, the present location of Nanjing area) and Jiangxi (江西), which exacted statute labour from the peasants according to the standard of one person per qing (顷, = 100 mu [亩] ). Its task was to repair the walls and moats of Jingshi (京师, the capital of the Ming Dynasty, now located in Nanjing ) and its enforcement lasted from the first year to the 19th year under the reign of Emperor Hongwu ( 洪武 ). The second type of corvee was enforced in the upsurge of the construction of Jingshi. In addition to Zhili and Jiangxi, the corvee extended to as far as Huguang (湖广, the present location of Hubei and Hunan), and exacted statute labour according to each peasant' s land size or amount of tax. Its task was to make bricks and carry them to Jingshi and Zhongdu ( 中都,the hometown of Emperor Hongwu, located in Fengyang[ 凤阳] ). The third type of corvee was to replace the first type, which was designed to be enforced in the five prefectures including Yingtian (应天) under Zhili, Taiping (太平, located in Anhui[安徽] ), Zhenjiang (镇江] ,located in Jiangsu[江苏 ] ), Ningguo (宁国, located in Anhui) and Guangde (广德, located in Anhui). This type of corvee exacted statute labour according to the standard of one person out of four adult men, and its enforcement lasted from the 19th year under the reign of Emperor Hongwu to the reign of Emperor Xuande ( 宣德).
作者 高寿仙
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期137-146,共10页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 明代 均工夫 佥役地域 佥役方式 赋役优免 Ming Dynasty, Jungongfit (均工夫 ), region where corvee was enforced, means of corvee, exemption of tax and corvee
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