
老有所为与老有所乐:公益参与的社会补偿效应 被引量:14

Usefulness of Older Adults and Happiness of Older Adults:The Social Compensation Effect of Participation in Commonweal Activities
摘要 在老龄化时代,改善传统老年观念,实现老有所为与老有所乐,对老年人自身以及整个社会的福利水平都有重要意义。从公益参与的视角入手,可以为这一命题寻求思路。基于"中国综合社会调查"数据,采用干预效应模型研究公益参与对老年人心理健康的影响,结果表明,公益参与对老年人心理健康具有促进作用,健康状况差、收入状况差和受教育程度低的老年人参与公益活动更有可能获得增量促进。公益参与对老年人心理健康具有社会补偿效应,弱势老年人参与公益活动受益更多。社会应克服老年人公益参与过程中的障碍,建议老年人尤其是相对弱势的老年人通过公益行动(老有所为)来提升心理健康水平(老有所乐)。 With the increase in the proportion of older adults in our country, the psychological problems of older adults have aroused the attention from academia and the whole society. Maintaining a high level of mental health is directly related to the overall welfare levels and living conditions of older adults. The scholars abroad have begun to explore the relationship between social participation, especially participation in commonweal activities, and mental health of older adults. However, in China participation in commonweal activities of older adults have not yet formed a broad and effective pattern. In this context, we attempt to study the impact of participation in commonweal activities of older adults on mental health, and hope to provide new ideas for the research on alleviating the pressure of aging population and achieving the happiness of older adults. By reviewing the related literature about participation in commonweal activities and mental health of older adults, we forwarded the theoretical model in which participation in commonweal activities could affect mental health, and hypothesized that participation in commonweal activities can highly improve the mental health of older adults and provide "social compensation effect" for vulnerable people. If vulnerable older adults participate in commonweal activities, they can get more benefit. On this basis, by using the data from Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) in 2005, we made an empirical analysis. First, we found that education, income, health and being a communist had a positive effect on participating in commonweal activities among older adults. Older adults with higher socioeconomic status were more likely to participate. Then we used the treatment-effect model which could control and eliminate sample selection bias to find how participation in commonweal activities influences mental health. We found participation in commonweal activities can highly improve the mental health of older adults. Older adults who participated in commonweal activities reported higher level of mental health. Finally, we chose health, income and education to measure the vulnerability of older adults, and used a treatment-effect model with interaction term to prove "social compensation effect. " The findings show that when older adults with poorer health, lower education and lower income participated in commonweal activities, their level of mental health could get more improvement. In other words, vulnerable older adults could get more benefit from participating in commonweal activities, which strongly prove "social compensation effect. " We combined participation in commonweal activities and mental health, which provided a useful supplement for the current research field of older adults. And we creatively found that participation in commonweal activities could provide "social compensation effect" for vulnerable people. Although there are challenges to recruiting vulnerable older adults to participate, their psychological problems should gain more attention from the whole society. Ignoring them would produce the Matthew effect. Thus, we suggest the whole society may encourage older adults, especially vulnerable older adults, to participate in commonweal activities.
作者 苗青 张玉
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期5-18,共14页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71672174) 浙江省杰出青年科学基金项目(R17G020002) 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题(16NDJC169YB)
关键词 老年人 公益参与 心理健康 社会补偿效应 older adults participation in commonweal activities mental health social compensation effect
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