

Procedure Justice Cross-functional Integration New Product Development Success Innovation
摘要 本文通过对中外汽车合资企业的实地调研,提出将程序公平引入现有关于跨职能整合与新产品开发成功的模型中,并进一步提出跨职能整合在合资企业程序公平与新产品开发成功关系中的中介作用。通过对获取数据的分析,发现合资企业程序公平不仅可以直接影响合资企业的新产品开发成功,而且也可以通过跨职能整合间接影响新产品开发成功,而跨职能整合在程序公平与新产品开发成功关系中起中介作用。 Through the field research on Chinese and foreign automobile joint ventures,this paper proposes the introduction of the procedural justice into the existing models of cross-functional integration and new product development success,and further brings forward the mediator role of cross-functional integration in the relationship of procedural justice and new product development success of joint ventures. By analyzing the data obtained,it has found out that procedural justice of joint ventures can not only affect new product development success of the joint ventures directly,but also influence new product development success indirectly through cross-functional integration,which plays an mediator role in the relationship of procedural justice of joint ventures and new product development success.
作者 刘畅
出处 《工业技术经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第11期155-160,共6页 Journal of Industrial Technological Economics
基金 2017年度吉林省党校系统调研课题"关于吉林省制造业企业学习与创新问题研究"(项目编号:qs20170101)
关键词 程序公平 跨职能整合 新产品开发成功 创新 中介作用 合资企业 procedure justice cross-functional integration new product development success innovation intermediction joint venture enterprises
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