
美国军事医学科研机构合作网络分析 被引量:1

Analysis of cooperation networks in American military medical research institutes
摘要 目的:通过科研合作网络分析揭示美国军事医学研究机构科研合作情况,为我国军事医学研究以及科研合作提供参考。方法:利用文献数据分析工具TDA清洗数据和构建高频研究机构共现矩阵,利用可视化工具软件Ucinet进行网络分析。结果:美国军事医学科研机构学术合作网络紧密,具有小世界特性,内部知识流动性较强,没有绝对的知识壁垒,也未出现知识的绝对垄断者。军事医学科研机构参与合著发文比重较高,且呈逐年上升趋势,其中小规模机构更倾向机构间合作。美国军事医学科研机构选择军事类科研机构合作时未过于依赖高水平机构,基本与同类型科研机构开展合作,主要包括军医大学、一流大学和一流企业。地缘因素是左右其开展合作的最主要因素。结论:对于前沿基础研究、应用基础研究及军民两用性应用研究,应充分借助军事医学科研机构的地缘优势,鼓励军事机构与优秀地方科研机构开展广泛合作。对更具军事应用的研究领域,应注意利用行政命令、政策杠杆促进合作。 Objective To reveal the cooperation between American military medical research institutes by analyzing the scientific research cooperation networks in order to provide reference for domestic military medical research and its cooperation. Methods A co-occurrence matrix of high frequency research institutes was established by identifying the data using literature data analyzing tool TDA and analyzed by visualized tool Ucinet. Results The densely distributed academic cooperation networks in American military medical research institutes were characterized by small world properties and rapid internal knowledge flow with neither absolute knowledge barrier nor knowledge monopolies. The number of co-authorship papers published by military medical research institutes was rather large and tended to increase year by year. The small size research institutes preferred to cooperate between each other. American military medical research institutes did not arbitrarily cooperate with high level research institutes and usually cooperated with the same kind of research institutes,including military medical universities,first class universities,and top enterprises. Geo-factor was the most important factor for cooperation in research. Conclusion Frontier basic research,applied basic research,applied military and civilian research should encourage the extensive cooperation between military research institutes and excellent civilian research institutes by making full use of the geo-advantages of military medical research institutes. Administrative order and policies should be taken to promote cooperation in military applied research field.
作者 孙雪 黄思敏 刘娜 王天津 杨春华 SUN Xue HUANG Si-min LIU Na WANG Tian-jin YANG Chun-hua(Medical Library of Chinese PLA, Beijing 100039, China)
出处 《中华医学图书情报杂志》 CAS 2017年第9期38-43,共6页 Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science
关键词 美军 医学科研机构 学术论文合著 社会网络分析 American armed forces Medical research institute Co-authorship of academic papers Social network analysis
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