
聚集党旗下——石油石化企业开创党建工作新局面带动质量效益发展纪实 被引量:1

Gather Under The Flag Of The Communist Party Of China——Petroleum And Petrochemical Enterprises Create a New Situation Of Party Construction To Drive The Development Of Quality And Benefit
摘要 10月18日,中国的时空坐标又指向一个重要时刻—举世瞩目的中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会开幕,中华民族伟大复兴的征程即将揭开新的一页。站在新的历史起点上,我国石油石化企业把全面从严治党纳入发展战略布局,加强和规范党内政治生活,全面提高党的建设现代化水平,把石油石化企业打造成贯彻和实践习近平治国理政新理念新思想新战略的重要阵地,理直气壮地把国企做强做优做大。石油石化企业改革发展实践充分证明,聚集党旗下,永葆共产党人的奋斗精神,是战胜困难挑战的最大动力所在,是服务党和国家事业发展的根本大局所在,是需要一如既往、一以贯之的重要遵循所在。 On October 18, China's time and space coordinates and points to an important moment-remarkable opening 19 times the national congress of the communist party of China, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation's journey is about to unveil a new page.Standing at a new historical starting point, the petroleum and petrochemical enterprises in our country the comprehensive governing party into development strategy layout, strengthening the party's political life, and comprehensively improve the level of the party's construction of modernization, the petroleum and petrochemical enterprises in implementing new ideas, new ideas and practice of jinping in governing, new strategy of important positions, rightfully do state-owned enterprises and stronger to do best.Petroleum and petrochemical enterprise reform and development practice fully proved, gathered together under the flag of the communist party's people forever fighting spirit, is the biggest power of challenges to overcome all difficulties, is the root of the service of the party and national business development overall situation, is the need to continue, the important follow a consistent.
作者 李月清
出处 《中国石油企业》 2017年第10期48-63,8,共16页 China Petroleum Enterprise
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