

The Relationship between Copula ‘Da’ and One Word Nominal Sentences in Japanese
摘要 日语中有关系词「ダ」和非主谓句的研究都有着丰厚的积淀,但鲜有研究关注「ダ」与非主谓句的用法关联情况。本文重点讨论非主谓句中「ダ」的使用情况,对非主谓句中「ダ」使用与否的区别及「ダ」的使用条件进行分析。考察结果是:(1)存在认知非主谓句的使用条件是存在或出现于发话现场的事物或事态对说话者来说必须是新信息;(2)「ダ」在非主谓句中的语义功能是表示说话者在发话时做出命题为真的判断;(3)非主谓句中「ダ」的使用条件是说话者的知识状态越容易理解为由"状态X"更新为"状态Y",则越需要使用「ダ」;(4)"体词。"和"体词+ダ。"的区别是前者表示说话者发话时认知到的对象存在,后者表示说话者对发话时认知到的存在对象做出是什么的判断。 There is a great deal of accumulated research on the subject of 'da' and one word nominal sentences in the Japanese language, but there is little research on the correlation between 'da' and non-predicate sentences. This paper aims to analyze the following questions: What is the relationship between the copula 'da' and one word nominal sentence in Japanese; what are the conditions for the use of "da'; and what is the difference between a one word nominal sentence with 'da' and one without 'da'? We concluded that (1) the cognitive non-predicate sentence conditions which exist in expressions must contain new information for the speaker; (2) 'da' is a marker which reflects the speaker' s judgment in utterance that a proposition is true; (3) the condition for the use of 'da' in one word nominal sentences is that as the speaker updates his awareness from "state X" to "state Y" the more indispensable it is to use 'da' in the sentence; and (4) the difference between one word nominal sentences without 'da' and those with 'da' (N / N+DA) is the former expresses the existence of an object itself while the latter expresses the speaker's judgment of what the existing object is at the moment of utterance.
作者 刘雅静 Liu Yajing(Lecturer at University of International Business and Economics, Chin)
出处 《日语学习与研究》 CSSCI 2017年第5期9-15,共7页 Journal of Japanese Language Study and Research
基金 河南省教育厅人文社会科学一般项目"高校日语教学改革创新研究"(项目编号:2017-ZZJH-543)的阶段性成果
关键词 主谓句 判断 知识更新 one word nominal sentence ‘da’ , judgment acknowledgement update
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