
西北走廊发展中的主体性与话语分析--兼论人类学参与式行动研究的实践价值 被引量:1

An Analysis of Subjectivity and Development Discourse in the Northwest Corridor:The Empirical Value of Anthropology's Participatory Action Research
摘要 本文概述了西北民族走廊的发端、演变和定型的过程。首先,以历史的视角解析甘肃-青海区域性社会的文化形态,尤其注重在多源主体(plural subjects)与帝制中国(imperial China)的中央王朝进行交往的过程中如何形成礼仪网络,以及在其间的甘青社会模棱两可的地位和媒介作用。在重构该区权力支配关系的基础上,对西北走廊边际群体的主体性问题作简要介绍,试图把理论性研究与案例分析相结合。其次,以应用人类学研究为基础,尝试提出超越发展矛盾的原理及实现方法,以便为相关政策的完善提供借鉴,使当地挣脱发展话语桎梏。与目前已采用的西北区域发展与资源开发模式相比,本文所阐述的"参与式行动"(participatory action)及其相关研究有助于组织少数民族与地方社区的力量,达到预定的目标,进一步把介入者(intervenors)与被介入者(intervented)的主体-客体对立关系(subject-object dicothomy)转换成前者与后者相互依存、共享发展成果的主体间性关系(inter-subjective relations)。最后,重新认定本学科的学术地位及其实用性价值,认为人类学的田野工作在梳理地方性知识的前提下,更应当找出对应援助发展项目的合理方式,提供相似案例等研究成果来处理在政策制订、执行与评价的整个过程(policy process)中可能出现的问题。 This paper summarizes the process of formation ,evolution and final stabilization experienced by the Northwest Ethnic Corridor through the centuries. Taking an historical perspective on Gansu-Qinghai's local cul- ture ,it illustrates the morphology and diversity of the region ,paying close attention to the way the Confucian- based moral network was established,hereby interlocking a plurality of subjects at the borders with the Chinese Court,whose main attempt was to incorporate them into the imperial order. Gansu-Qinghai's society, being placed exactly at the middle of this set of border connections,worked de facto as a "cultural in-between". After a brief reconstruction of the power relations between the major actors involved, the problem of historical subjectivity a- mong minorities and the other marginal groups scattered along the Corridor is further analyzed.In addition, basing on recent researches in the field of applied Anthropology, the paper tries to advance a theoretical scaffolding suit- able to overcome the inner contradictions of development, to improve the applicability of policy making and to al- low locals to shake off the shackles of development discourse. Compared to the economic trends and models of re- source exploitation previously adopted in Northwest China,the participatory actions taken in order to achievethe above mentioned goals are not conceived as the outcome of an irreducible dichotomy between "intervenors" and "intervented",but as a valuable tool that could empower local society and minorities,thereby reshaping power re- lations in an inter-subjective and more collaborative perspective. The paper,finally, aims at redefining the schol- arly status and the practical value of the discipline itself,by assuming that anthropological fieldworks as a way to sort local knowledge out,could be addressed to design new solutions for aid development projects,provide case reports and research findings to be used in the whole process of policy formulation, implementation and evaluation as well as a fully adaptive approach for problem solving.
作者 托玛索.泼罗瓦朵 Tommaso Previato
出处 《西北民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期62-75,共14页 Journal of Northwestern Ethnic Studies
关键词 西北民族走廊 主体性 话语分析 参与式行动研究 Northwest Ethnic Corridor historical subjectivity discourse analysis participant action research(PAR)
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