
影响在线评论有用性的因素研究 被引量:33

Factors Affecting the Perceived Usefulness of Online Reviews
摘要 本研究主要关注系统操控、评论者社交网络以及评论集合特征三个要素对在线评论有用性的影响。通过太平洋电脑网3027个有效样本的实证分析发现,电商系统对评论的直接操控会显著的影响评论有用性。同时,除了评论者的社交网络数量,评论者的社交网络质量也可以作为评论有用性预测的指标。最后,考虑了评论的个体特征和评论集合特征之后,发现评论个体特征对评论有用性的影响会受到评论集合平衡性的调节。评论全面性对评论有用性的影响在积极的评论集合中更为重要。 Our model focuses on the effect of system manipulation,social network of reviewer and characteristics of review on the perceived usefulness( PU) of online reviews. This paper uses the data collected from Pconline. com to empirically validate our model. The result reveals that the direct manipulation of the system will significantly affect the PU of online reviews. Meanwhile,except for the number of fans,the quality of fans should also be highlighted which will eventually impose a nuanced influence on the PU. Considering the individual characteristics and overall characteristic of online review,we find that the overall characteristic of online reviews will moderate the effect of individual characteristics on PU. The effect of two-sided reviews on the PU is stronger in the review set of positive balance( the ratio of positive to negative reviews).
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第10期95-107,共13页 Management Review
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71301021 71431002)
关键词 在线评论 系统操控 平衡性 评论集合 online reviews, system manipulation, balance, review set
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